Friday, March 20, 2009

Homework week 31

2nd grade French immersion Homework

03-23-09 to 03-27-09

Review addition math facts (4+5=9, 6+4 =10, 3+4=7…)


Math :

Homework book p.117
Everyday counting : adding/subtracting 2 digits numbers with/without regrouping

French :

write the correct sentence in your notebook and draw a picture of it
« J’ai peur », disent les lapins. /or/ « Je suis peur », disent les lapins.


Math :

Homework book p.118-119
Everyday counting : adding/subtracting 2 digits numbers with/without regrouping

French :

write the correct sentence in your notebook and draw a picture of it

Le renard a orange. /or/ Le renard est orange.



Homework book p.120
Everyday counting : adding/subtracting 2 digits numbers with/without regrouping

French : read your book « La brouille »

French : review how to conjugate the verbs TO BE and to HAVE. Remember a few of the expression requiring TO BE or TO HAVE


Je suis
Tu es
Il est
Nous sommes
Vous ĂȘtes
Ils sont

Tu as
Il a
Nous avons
Vous avez
Ils ont


J'ai 8 ans (I'm 8 years old)
J'ai faim (I'm hungry)
J'ai soif (I'm thirsty)
Je suis un enfant (I'm a kid)
J'ai peur (I'm scared)


No Homework
Don’t forget that we’re going on a field trip tomorrow to the ABC 26 Studio. We’ll be eating in the cafeteria at school when we get back. You can bring a lunch if you want!