02-09-09 to 02-13-09
Math : see attached paper
Everyday counting : adding/subtracting 2 digits numbers with/without regrouping
French : learn how to conjugate the verb « to be », complete the sentence, write it in your French notebook and draw it
Je suis (I am)
Tu es (You are)
Il/Elle est (He/She is)
Nous sommes (We are)
Vous êtes (You are)
Ils/Elles sont (They are)
Le serpent python mange des hommes. Il …. carnivore.
Math : see attached paper
Everyday counting : adding/subtracting 2 digits numbers with/without regrouping
French : learn how to conjugate the verb « to be », complete the sentence, write it in your French notebook and draw it
Zékéyé, tu as tué le serpent python ? Tu …. Brave !
Math : Homework book p.94
Everyday counting : adding/subtracting 2 digits numbers with/without regrouping
French : learn how to conjugate the verb « to be », complete the sentence, write it in your French notebook and draw it
J’ai tué le serpent python ! Je …. fier de moi !
Math : Homework book p.95 and review for test
Everyday counting : adding/subtracting 2 digits numbers with/without regrouping
French : learn how to conjugate the verb « to be », complete the sentence, write it in your French notebook and draw it
Les Bamilékés crient bravo ! Ils …. fiers de Zékéyé.